Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cats Stuff

I am a cat lover. I have two cats that share our home. Notice that I did not say that I own two cats; they are the type of animals that take offense with the idea of being owned. Cats are easy to live with. You do not need a lot of cats stuff to keep them happy.

Most of my friends and family members know that I am a cat lover and as a result the cats stuff that I have received over the years is starting to accumulate in our home. Some of the cats stuff is fun and tasteful and other things are not, but I have been keeping all the items that I have received. My husband feels that I need to start sorting through the cats stuff and dispose of some of it and display the rest. To help me with this project he bought me a corner curio.

The corner curio stands six feet tall. The back is mirrored and the front is convex glass. There are three glass shelves and a display light inside. The curio fits in the corner of the dining area perfectly. I decided that the cats stuff that I would display in the curio would be the statues that I have collected since I was a child. I started gathering the statues from around the house and from storage containers. I was very surprised to see the number of cat statues I have. Some are over 40 years old and others have been purchased recently. They are made from all different types of materials. I have several hand blown glass cats. One ceramic cat is very special to me because my mother painted it in a ceramics class that she was taking. That particular statue is of a mother cat carrying a baby kitten in her mouth. My mother did a very nice job of painting the eyes. I also have statues that are carved out of wood as well as stone. When my husband first brought home the curio cabinet I thought that I would have room to expand my collection through the coming years, but I was surprised that the cats stuff that I already have filled it completely. There was cats stuff left over that I needed to return to the areas where they were originally displayed.

When my husband saw that the curio was filled and there was left over cats stuff, he suggested that I no longer purchase any cat things for myself. Considering I have so many things given to me I think I will take his advice. Over the years I have bought cat themed souvenirs when we travel, I will need to decide what my next theme will be.

Pet Boarding

Pets add a lot of happiness too our lives. They give us companionship, loyalty, and unconditional love. That is why I find it so disturbing how so many people treat their pets. Basically, pets are treated as mere objects. People leave them at home all day without even considering options like hiring a pet sitter to take care of them. Pet boarding is not just a consideration, it is an essential. Pets have been bred over generations to depend on human companionship, and it should be a two-way street. If we are going to use them for their companionship, we owe them the loyalty of watching over their needs while we are not at home. That is why, whenever I'm going to be gone for more than a few hours, I try to use pet boarding.

There are more pet boarding kennels in most cities than you expect. You see, pet boarding has become a bigger and bigger business. People are just now becoming aware of how much their pets are like them. Animals have emotional empathy, keen intellect, and even a well developed sense of self. Traditionally, pet kennels were only designed for extended trips. People would not board their pets for less than a day or two at a time, counting on the dogs or cats to be able to take care of themselves while their owners were gone. Today, however, there are more and more all day pet boarding places.

Not all pet boarding facilities are the same, and you have to take into account your pet's individual temperament when you choose. For example, if you have a very social dogs – especially if it is a medium-sized or large one – you might want to take it to a service offering day boarding for dogs. Many of these places allow the dogs to socialize together, which can be quite fun for them. For smaller dogs, or especially for cats, you should consider hiring an individual pet sitter. Smaller dogs often feel threatened by the larger ones and do not have much fun with them at pet boarding centers. Cats are often not social creatures and do not do well in group pet boarding environments. Nonetheless, this doesn't hold for all small dogs or all small cats. You need to observe your dog or cat with other members of its own species before you can really make a decision about what kind of pet boarding is best.